I am a Lancaster based autistic artist. Art has been in my life since I was very young, being the son of a fourth generation artist. Initially producing drawing and sketch work, my practise has developed over the years into a print and drawing practise utilizing traditional printing methods and a variety of different traditional and digital drawing methods. While initially focused on portraiture, my work has shifted focus toward nature and humanities impact on it.
Project overview
Human impact.
Moving away from my previous focus on landscapes and Human impact is a print project consisting of a series of print runs developed over the course of the project. Exhibited as part of the degree show, Human impact seeks to highlight the effect of coporate and government backed development efforts on the environment.
It does this through a series of print runs depicting animals drawn from the lists of affected flora and fauna provided by development projects as part of impact assessments.
Drawing inspiration from print shops and conventional gallery hanging techniques, the exhibition process highlights the commercial aspect of both the art world and developments.